According to WHO statistics in 2024, in 2022, there were around 20 million of new cases and approximately 10 million of deaths found all over the world. Cancer is an active killer worldwide, including in Hong Kong. According to the Hong Kong Cancer Registry, total 35,373 of new cancer cases were diagnosed, and 14,717 deaths were recorded in 2022.
The most frequent cancer diagnosed for both genders combined in order were cancers of lung, breast, colorectum, prostate and liver. It is predictable that the number of new cases will continue to rise as shown in the chart below.
Patients' median age at cancer diagnosis was 69 years in men and 64 years in women. Almost 1 in 4 men and 1 in 5 women will attain cancer before the age of 75. The male to female ratio of diagnosing cancer was 1 to 1, comparing with the ratio of 10 years ago as 1.18 to 1. The cancer figure reminds us that cancers may attack anyone of us silently and suddenly. We have to prepare ourselves by learning more about cancers and their prevention without delay.
Major Causes of Cancer Deaths: |
Cancer Trend Prediction: |